Start-up Consulting

Do you want to make a difference? Do you want to turn your passion into something more? Points to Grace can help turn your vision into a reality. 

Dream it

Launch your vision, build your brand, and make an impact. Points to Grace can support you in building organizational infrastructure - whether that be founding a 501c3 or small business, setting up a new CRM database, turning an existing supporter list into a donor cultivation list, and more.

Build it

Looking for inspiration? Powerful events and programs provide both education and inspiration. Points to Grace will build and grow your new or existing programming. Let us help you set-up best practices, create sustainable organizational infrastructure, and build systems that support operational and programatic growth..

Grow it

Empower your community and deepen your impact. Creating societal change requires both courage and hard work. Together we can build and implement fundraising strategies that will grow your organization and expand its reach. We can strengthen branding, and create outreach strategies that will exponentially expand your impact.

It’s time to make an impact.